User Resources

Here you can find documents, tools and back-ground information that can be helpfull in preparing your experiments. Please get in touch with your contact person if you have any specific requests or questions.

Overview user resources

Technical support

Reach out to our support team in case of technical or biological support is needed:

+31 736158900



BioNavigator is intended to be used in combination with PamChip® microarray data to analyse images and perform statistical analysis on microarray data. In this manual you’ll find background information and manuals on how to use Bionavigator for generation of your studies’ results.


The PamStation is a fully automated instrument designed for processing PamChip microarrays. In this manual you’ll find information about how to set-up and use the PamStation for your experiments.

Sample preparation

We are currently updating our Protocols. If you are missing a Protocol, kindly email us:


Preparation of cell pellets or lysates of suspension cells

The aim of this protocol is to prepare cell pellets or cell lysates from suspension cells for shipment to PamGene for application on PamChip®kinase profiling assays.

Preparation of lysates of adhered cells

The aim of this protocol is to prepare cell lysates from strongly and loosely adherent cells for PamChip® Kinase profiling analysis.

Preparation of lysates of tissue sections

The aim of this protocol is to prepare cell lysates of tissue sections for use in PamChip® kinase profiling analysis.

Preparation of tissue sections

This protocol describes a method for cutting tissue sections of biopsies or tissues for application on PamChip® kinase profiling arrays.


Preparation of PBMCs

The aim of this protocol is the preparation of PBMC’s for shipment to PamGene. These frozen cells will be thawed, washed once and lysed internally at PamGene according to protocol 1160, for preparation of lysates of purified cells” for analysis by PamChip® Kinase and/or Tyrosine Phosphatase activity profiling.


Assay information

Here you’ll find documents, tools and back-ground information on our most commonly used experimental designs.


Experimental Design

Basic experiment designs are provided as a guideline to successful PamChip assays.


An overview of tools and documents related to our STK Pamchip assays.


An overview of tools and documents related to our PTK Pamchip assays.


The tools shown, are the tools we most commonly use in our data analaysis. Feel free to get in touch in case you would like to learn more.

Upstream Kinase Analysis Tool

PamGene developed a Tool for predicting Top Kinases that are differentially activated between two conditions. Here we describe how a set of scores are calculated, leading to the ranking of top Kinases.


Confirmation of  PamGene data

Data generated using PamChip assays need to be confirmed or validated. Select published examples of different approaches and methods are provided here, to illustrate possibilities for your research.


Interpretation of PamGene data 

Some basic information is shown below how we interpret the PamChip data (phosphorylation profiles and predicted kinases).


PamGene data to CORAL Kinome Tree 

The Upstream Kinase Tool is a functional scoring method that ranks the Top differential kinases. Visualization of the data on a phylogenetic tree can be useful.


PamGene data to Proteome Maps 

 A representation of major pathways and the PamChip substrates are illustrated on the Proteome map. The map represents the UniPROT Ids as provided in the Array Layout files of combined PTK and STK PamChips. Upstream Kinase Analysis (UKA) data can also be projected on Proteome maps.


PamGene data to Enrichr

Enrichr is an Online Tool for inferring Pathways and Gene Ontologies for PamChip data, both at the phosphosite level and kinase level.


PamGene data to g:Profiler

g:Profiler is an Online Tool for inferring Pathways and Gene Ontologies for PamChip data, both at the phosphosite level and kinase level.


Pathway and network tools

Free Online Tools for inferring Pathways and Networks for PamChip data.


Genego Pathways 

Peptides on PamChip (PTK and STK) can be phosphorylated by a number of kinases which are represented in signaling cascades in pathways. Some basic information is shown about how we interpret the PamChip data (pathway profiles).


Promotional material

Here you’ll find material to be used to promote your services as a PamGene core facility.



Visit our channel to explore the latest content in explaining our technollogy, trainings, webinars and much more. 


A brochure including background information on PamGene’s technology and examples of different applications. Reach out to your PamGene contact person for a tailored version.

PamGene’s Poster at the AACR 2023

PamGene will present a Poster at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of  Cancer Reseacrh (AACR). You can download the Poster here: