Gaining new mechanistic insights on your relevant Pathways

Are you interested in gaining new publish-worthy signal transduction insights based on real-time cell activity? Measuring kinase activity provides deeper understanding of cellular signaling allowing pathway elucidation.

Gaining new mechanistic insights on your relevant Pathways

Are you interested in gaining new publish-worthy signal transduction insights based on real-time cell activity? Measuring kinase activity provides deeper understanding of cellular signaling allowing pathway elucidation.

Mechanistic insights

PamGene is operating on the cutting edge of next generation kinase science and high-tech to support scientists in gaining new signal transduction pathway insights by measuring real-time kinase activity in signalling cascades. Building on 15 years of experience, PamGene has developed a unique technology with unprecedented sensitivity, making real-time measurement and understanding of kinase activity possible.

Measuring kinase activity provides deeper understanding of cellular signaling allowing pathway elucidation.

New mechanistic insights

PamGene is operating on the cutting edge of next generation kinase science and high-tech to support scientists in gaining new signal transduction pathway insights by measuring real-time kinase activity in signalling cascades. Building on 15 years of experience, PamGene has developed a unique technology with unprecedented sensitivity, making real-time measurement and understanding of kinase activity possible.

Measuring kinase activity provides deeper understanding of cellular signaling allowing pathway elucidation.



Thanks to our unique and proven technology we will provide you with robust measurements, which can be applied in numerous of applications bringing your insights and research to the next level.

  • Canonical pathways: Link your research question to relevant cancer, immune signalling, metabolic, cardiovascular,
  • Altered pathways: Elucidate signalling pathways altered in mutants, knockouts, or as a result of in vitro treatments.
  • Disease pathways and resistance mechanisms: Deduce pathways altered in disease and acquired or innate resistance to drugs



Thanks to our unique and proven technology we will provide you with robust measurements, which can be applied in numerous of applications bringing your insights and research to the next level.

  • Canonical pathways: Link your research question to relevant cancer, immune signalling, metabolic, cardiovascular,
  • Altered pathways: Elucidate signalling pathways altered in mutants, knockouts, or as a result of in vitro treatments.
  • Disease pathways and resistance mechanisms: Deduce pathways altered in disease and acquired or innate resistance to drugs

Signal transduction pathway cases we’ve worked on


We have over 15 years of experience in the field of kinase science and contributed to over 100+ publications with top European, North American and Japanese Institutes.

Inactive immune pathways in triple negative breast cancers that showed resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy as inferred from kinase activity profiles.

Sawada T, Hilhorst R, Rangarajan S, Yoshida M, Tanabe Y, Tamura K, Kinoshita T, Shimoyama T, van Beuningen R, Ruijtenbeek R, Tsuda H, Koizumi F.
Oncotarget. Sep 28;9(76):34229-34239. (2018)


Reversion of resistance to oxaliplatin by inhibition of p38 MAPK in colorectal cancer cell lines: involvement of the calpain / Nox1 pathway.

Chocry M, Leloup L, Kovacic H.
Oncotarget. 2017 Oct 10;8(61):103710-103730.


Novel EPHB4 Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Mutations and Kinomic Pathway Analysis in Lung Cancer.

Ferguson BD, Tan YH, Kanteti RS, Liu R, Gayed MJ, Vokes EE, Ferguson MK, Iafrate AJ, Gill PS, Salgia R.
Sci Rep. 5:10641. doi: 10.1038/srep10641. (2015)


Signal transduction pathway cases we’ve worked on


We have over 15 years of experience in the field of kinase science and contributed to over 100+ publications with top European, North American and Japanese Institutes.

Inactive immune pathways in triple negative breast cancers that showed resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy as inferred from kinase activity profiles.

Sawada T, Hilhorst R, Rangarajan S, Yoshida M, Tanabe Y, Tamura K, Kinoshita T, Shimoyama T, van Beuningen R, Ruijtenbeek R, Tsuda H, Koizumi F.
Oncotarget. Sep 28;9(76):34229-34239. (2018)


Reversion of resistance to oxaliplatin by inhibition of p38 MAPK in colorectal cancer cell lines: involvement of the calpain / Nox1 pathway.

Chocry M, Leloup L, Kovacic H.
Oncotarget. 2017 Oct 10;8(61):103710-103730.



Novel EPHB4 Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Mutations and Kinomic Pathway Analysis in Lung Cancer.

Ferguson BD, Tan YH, Kanteti RS, Liu R, Gayed MJ, Vokes EE, Ferguson MK, Iafrate AJ, Gill PS, Salgia R.
Sci Rep. 5:10641. doi: 10.1038/srep10641. (2015)


The benefits our technology is bringing to your study

  • Activity-based: Measure the activity rather than the abundance of kinases in the mTOR-AKT pathway, using cell and tissue lysates.
  • Specific coverage: The Phosphorylation of AKT and mTOR substrates can be measured on our Protein Tyrosine Kinase and Serine/Threonine Kinase assays
  • Independent of Antibody specificity: Infer pathways without requiring specific AKT pathway antibodies, in our antibody-independent assay.
  • Comprehensive and kinome-wide: Interrogate >70% kinases from our Protein Tyrosine Kinase and Serine/Threonine Kinase assays
  • Simple solutions for Complex pathways: Move seamlessly and quickly from assay to biological interpretation with fast turnaround times



Kinases are the most intensively studied protein targets. We have developed a unique method to understand them. Our sensitive platform uses lysates obtained from only a few thousand cells or small amounts (2ug) of animal, xenografts or human tissues and cells to simultaneously determine the activity of all kinases present in these lysates.

This is accomplished by incubating the lysates across 196 to 144 tyrosine or serine/threonine kinase peptide substrates immobilized on the PamChip® microarray platform. Our 3D microarrays are spotted with peptides (i.e. phosphosites) that represent kinase targets. Kinases present in the lysates will phosphorylate the peptide substrates which are detected using fluorescently labelled antibodies. The phosphosites on the PamChips are human-derived and there is significant overlap with other organisms.

Based on current online knowledge, we compiled a comprehensive, integrated database (DB) of potential kinases that are linked to the peptides on the PamChips. This corresponds to ~350 unique kinases in literature, covering the majority of the kinome.



Kinases are the most intensively studied protein targets. We have developed a unique method to understand them. Our sensitive platform uses lysates obtained from only a few thousand cells or small amounts (2ug) of animal, xenografts or human tissues and cells to simultaneously determine the activity of all kinases present in these lysates.

This is accomplished by incubating the lysates across 196 to 144 tyrosine or serine/threonine kinase peptide substrates immobilized on the PamChip® microarray platform. Our 3D microarrays are spotted with peptides (i.e. phosphosites) that represent kinase targets. Kinases present in the lysates will phosphorylate the peptide substrates which are detected using fluorescently labelled antibodies. The phosphosites on the PamChips are human-derived and there is significant overlap with other organisms.

Based on current online knowledge, we compiled a comprehensive, integrated database (DB) of potential kinases that are linked to the peptides on the PamChips. This corresponds to ~350 unique kinases in literature, covering the majority of the kinome.

Our workflow


  1. Intake meeting – with our scientists to define your research goals
  2. Experimental design development – based on our extensive experience and fitted for your goals
  3. Collecting samples – by the client following our easy-to-use sample preparation protocols
  4. Process and analysis – using our unique and proven PamStation12 technique
  5. Results meeting – data will be shared and discussed with you by our scientists